
Wczoraj byłeś w kinie z kolegą. W emailu do kolegi napisz: z kim tam poszedłeś, jaki rodzaj filmu obejrzeliście, ile kosztowały bilety, kto je kupił, o czym był film (tutaj możeszz pisać w czasie Past Simple), co ci się w tym filmie podobało, co ci się nie podobało, jak długo trwał seans, polecasz ten film i dlaczego, co robiliście po wizycie w kinie. Od 50 do 70 słów

Odpowiedź :


Tak może być

Hello Logan,

Yesterday I was at the cinema with my friend Oscar who had told me about the film. It was a mixture of horror and comedy. Oscar was so terrified that shouted and grabbed my hand a few times. The tickets were not too expensive, they cost about £2,50 and each of us paid for himself.

The film itself tells the story of a boy whose family moved into a new house which appears to be hunted. They are being scared by local ghosts coming out every second day believing that people disturb them and want to do harm, which is proved by building new houses on their cemetery. However, the ghosts see soon that new habitants are friendly and nice so they make friends with them. The film lasts 120 minutes. I loved the plot but the special effects were too realistic so I've been afraid of darkness since then.

I recommend the film to all non-ghost-believers with strong nerves being able to stand horror music.

After the film we went for a pizza because we had been so scared that we were afraid to go straight home, especially that we had to go through the park.

I must finish, write me about your favourite film
