
W zeszły weekend byłeś na koncercie. Napisz e-mail do kolegi, w którym opowiesz gdzie i kiedy odbył się koncert, z kim tam poszedłeś, opiszesz przebieg koncertu (o której się zaczął, co grali, o której się skończył), opiszesz wrażenia z koncertu- co ci się podobał, a co ci się nie podobało, jak zachowywała się publiczność, co robiłeś po koncercie. 50 do 70 słów

Odpowiedź :


mam nadzieję, że wszystko jest czytelnie <3 Jakby coś było nieczytelne to zostaw komentarz

Zobacz obrazek C0rbin

Hello Shaun,

Last weekend I was at a concert in my town. I went there with my girlfriend and her sister. I know, that her sister was just to keep an eye on her, but I couldn't do anything to prevent this catastrophe.

The concert started at 8pm and the bands were playing mainly rock music. I liked a few songs but not all of them. Some were terrible and we barely could stand them, but we managed! I loved the last three songs, they were so powerful and thrilling with all the music that it was just amazing experience. It all finished after midnight but I can't say when exactly.

No sooner had I come home, I realised that the audience was mostly crazy about all the songs. Mostly girls were cheering and shouting all the time. Now I think it was maybe because of the vocalist who is said to be handsome.

I've got to finish now (parents are calling) but write a few words to me, please.
