
Napisz w zeszycie swoją wersję e-maila na temat z zadania 1. Wykorzystaj stworzone przez ciebie zdania z zadania 3. Następnie sprawdź, czy zostały zawarte wszystkie elementy pracy według tabelki z zadania 2. TEEN EXPLORER NEW KLASA 7, ZADANIE 7 STR 51 W ĆWICZENIACH BŁAGAM JAK NAJSZYBCIEJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Odpowiedź :


I'd like to tell you about my assignment today. I was asked to crate sentences and later on use them in a kind of writing. Then I had to check if I used them all and whether my work was relevant to the command. I found it quite OK. I had a table to help but finally I haven't published it and my helper couldn't see it clearly or anyhow. Doesn't matter, the most important is the feeling that instead of swotting, I could do another level in my favourite RPG. I'd like you to describe me your educational experience and how you deal with your assignment.
