
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdan
Hello Tom,

I’m here at summer camp! Let me tell you all about it.

It is ………………….(fantastycznie tutaj). We …………………………(jesteśmy w środku) of the forest with an amazing ………………………..(widok na piękne) lake. I wish you could see it.

It is …………………………( moja pierwsza praca) during summer. I ………………………(pracuję jako kelner) in our camp canteen. Everyday I ...............................( muszę nakrywać do stołów) and bring food to everyone. After each meal I ……………………………..(muszę również posprzątać stoły) and ……………………..(umyć wszystkie naczynia). I also …………………………………..( wyrzucam śmieci dwa razy) a week

I like ………………………………( pracować w stołówce). It is ……………………………..( ciężka ale dobrze płatna )praca. I never get …………………………(nudzę) and working …………………………..( w pomieszczeniu) is OK but sometime it is ………………………………( zbyt gorąco). And my legs hurt lot in the evening.

(W przyszłości chciałbym zostać) ……………………………………… a manager in the restaurant. Working with people is very ………………………………( ekscytująca) and also challenging. Maybe one day I will ……………………………..( miał własną restaurację). It is my ……………………….(marzenie).

I have to finish now. ………………………( Trzymaj się) and say hello to your family. ……………………..(Do zobaczenia za miesiąc).


Odpowiedź :


It is fantastic here. We are in the centre of the forest with an amazing view on a beautiful lake.

It is my first job during summer. I work as a waiter in our camp canteen. Everyday I have to lay the tables and bring food to everyone. After each meal I also have to clean the tables and wash the dishes. I also take out the rubbish twice a week.

I like working in a canteen. It is a hard but a well-paid job. I never get bored and working in an enclosed space is OK but sometimes it is too hot there. And my legs hurt lot in the evening.

In the future I would like to become a manager in the restaurant. Working with people is very exciting and also challenging. Maybe one day I will have my own restaurant. It is my dream.

I have to finish now. Take care and say hello yo your family. See you in a month!

