
Nauczyciel w-f w szkole zaproponował ci przyłączenie się do szkolnej drużyny sportowej. W e-mailu do kolegi z Anglii: opisz, jak zareagowali twoi rodzice na informację o twoim przyłączeniu się do drużyny napisz, jaką dyscyplinę sportową trenujesz i uzasadnij swój wybór wyjaśnij, jak wyglądają twoje treningi. . najlepiej napisz o piłce nożnej ​

Odpowiedź :

Hello Debian,

I must tell you about something utterly unusual happening to me. Recently, having sat at my desk I thought how lovely it would be to be a member of my school footbal team. You know how clumsy with the ball I am and that it always ran away from me following unpredictable trace, so imagine how much  surprised I had to be having heard my coach asking me to joint the team. I couldn't believe my ears but yes, the voice floating out of his mouth meant invitation to their team. I was getting more and more over the moon while realising what he was talking about.

My parents also couldn't believe. It was so unexpected that they even expressed their worries concerning health of the couch. Reasurring them he's OK, I requested a new sports kit and they bought it.

The sessions or trainings look the same as regular PE lessons. The ball still chooses its own path and the harder I try to get it the harder it escapes.

Anyway, I have a lot of fun. I must finish now, write your news.
