
proszę o napisanie wpisu na blogu.

Pewna gazeta organizuje konkurs na ciekawy wynalazek. We wpisie na bloga:
napisz, że planujesz wziąć udział w konkursie
napisz jaki masz pomysł na wynalazek i jak on działa
wyjaśnij dlaczego jest przydatny

Odpowiedź :

Hi everybody,

I've just decided to take part in a contest for an interesting invention which I learnt about thanks to reading my favourite Certain newspaper.

I'm crazy enough to start with my newest invention which is a remotly-controlled teapot. I know, it sounds unrealistic and useless, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Such a teapot is a very demanded device which might help people all around the world.

How often you've left you teapot carelessly getting down to something more interesting than just guarding a piece of metal with liquid in it? I believe that with my invention burning it or loosing most water just because you were busy is about to become a thing of the past.

Tell me how great inventor I am and express your unmitigated admiration in your welcomed comments.