
Write a description of the celebration. Napisz opis uroczystości, 15-20 zdań, użyj przymiotników które będą opisywać przyjęcie.

Liczę na pomoc ;))

Odpowiedź :

It was my friend's house-warming party. He had had his house built for three years. The house is impressive, with a huge kitchen and extremely spacious living room. The party started late in the afternoon last weekend. Most guest wore very smart clothes, however, a few chose quite casual outfit. At the beginning, we got to know each other which was sometimes funny but not always. I do remember that one of the guest didn't know how to call a girl who was with him. Apparently, they were a couple but probably officially they pose an artificial nonengagement.

Later we were served delicious dinner with a few meats and amazing dessert consisted of unforgetable ice-creams. As soon as everybody fulfilled greedy passion for culinary pleasures, our host took us for an unusal yet well-planned route around his estate. It was like a mixture of auction, shopping and boasting. Thanks to it we all learnt how much every single thing cost and how much effort had to be put into obtaining all the stuff.

The tour was so long and exhausting that I felt really grateful when my lady friend unexpectedly remembered about an urgent task she should have done, due to which we had to leave, with a lot of sorrow and regret, of course.