
Mail do przyjaciela po angielsku
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Odpowiedź :


How are you? I hope you’re fine. I’m ok. I have to study a lot because of the exams next week. Are you going to have some exams soon as well?

Anyway, I’m actually writing to invite you for my birthday. The party is going to be held at my place on Friday 16th at 19:00. We are going to dance, chat and have lots of fun! After the party you can stay overnight, it’s not a problem.

Let me know if you can come!




Jak się masz? Mam nadzieję, że wszystko u ciebie w porządku. U mnie tak. Muszę się dużo uczyć z powodu egzaminów w następnym tygodniu. Ty też masz wkrótce jakieś egzaminy?

Więc, właściwie to piszę, żeby zaprosić cię na moje urodziny. Odbędą się u mnie w domu, w piątek 16. o 19:00. Będziemy tańczyć, gadać i świetnie się bawić! Po imprezie możesz zostać u mnie na noc, to żaden problem.

Daj znać, czy dasz radę przyjechać!



Hi Martin,

I'm writing as I'm so bored that I can't stand it. To make it easier I've just started watching our holiday clips. It doesn't help too much but still.

I'm not asking you about school because this topic makes me dizzy. Luckily it's Friday. I failed three test this week, and I didn't do my homework at all. But a friend of mine has been helping me for two weeks now because he had lost a bet and it's his duty. Lucky me!

I wonder if you could visit me one day. I've made friends with Cloe who's very nice and I thought about having some fun together. Maybe we could go somewhere for a weekend.

Let me know if you're going to visit me, It could be really cool

Bye now,
