
Napisz krótkie, opowiadanie, w którym przedstawisz jakieś zabawne wydarzenie.

Zastosuj punkty i informacje przedstawione na lekcji.
Należy wykorzystać czas past simple i past continuous

Limit słów min. 50 dam naj jaknajszypcie na jutro

Odpowiedź :


Yesterday at school something really funny happened.  Me and my friend were about to have a test in a moment. Before the test we went to the school toilet. He said to me: "I'm going to cheat this on test with my phone because I want to get a good grade" and then our teacher went out of the cabin. He said: "I think that you will not get a good grade".  My friend was so suprised! I couldn't keep myself from laughing! Then we entered the classroom and our teacher gave him the worst grade which he couldn't improve. For me that was funny, but my friend was not amused. At least he understood that cheating is a bad thing.
