
Szybkie zadanko. Zrobiłbym, ale niestety jestem kiepski z angielskiegoz dlatego proszę, żeby jakaś dobra osoba mi zrobiła​

Szybkie Zadanko Zrobiłbym Ale Niestety Jestem Kiepski Z Angielskiegoz Dlatego Proszę Żeby Jakaś Dobra Osoba Mi Zrobiła class=

Odpowiedź :


2. You won't know how it works UNLESS you read the manual carefully.
3. If Mathew had enough money, he WOULD go on a package tour to Spain.
4. If I HADN'T missed many classes, the teacher would have let me off this time.
5. You will get a high mark as LONG as you don't make spelling mistakes.
6. If I WERE you, I would consult a doctor immadiately
7. You can go camping with your friends, PROVIDED you behave sensibly.
8. If I had been aware they were coming back from China, I would have MET them at the airport.

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