Hello Josh,
Thank you for the invitation, but I can't go with you to this event. It's not my type of festivals and I have family meeting at the same time, so I won't able to come even if I wanted to. Before you get upset I have an idea. How about we go the cinema next week? We will pick the film that will suit us and enjoy each other's company. I've seen a lot of good recommendation under this new film that came out four days ago. I think its called "Hunger Games" but correct me if I'm wrong. Again, Thank you for the invitation
See you soon.
Sprawdź sobie czy wszystko Ci pasuje i policz jeszcze raz słowa, ale ostatni raz jak liczyłam to było 110 słów. Mam nadzieję, że nie ma żadnych literówek, sprawdzałam kilka razy.