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Odpowiedź :


Hi There ( Imię )!
How are things in your house? How are you? Having good time? Or maybe something bad happened? Can't wait to hear from you! But until that, I will tell you about how things are there. I am doing pretty good, I am very happy to be there where I am. I have meet some new friends, one even wanted to ask me to live with them, but of course I refused. It would be weird and dangerous to move in to someone who I don't know, wouldn't it?

But anyways, I must tell you how amazing ( Nazwa miejsca do którego wyjechałxś ) looks! There are many, many trees around my house and around roads next to it. My neighbours have some pretty amazing looking garden, they even have little fountain with an angel! The city is amazing too, I can breathe normally there, and find ice-cream stands, and even found pancake one!

I will tell you about my house too! It's not really that big how I was saying when we were talking last time, cause I didn't have money for something that big. I wanted to save up to buy some food and maybe new clothes. But anyways, I've got like three rooms to myself. First one is of course my bedroom, it's quite cozy in there. The walls and sheets are blue, I've got some flowers in here. The only thing that weirds me out is that there is a carpet on the wall.. pretty masive one if I am being honest. Second room that I have to myself is a simple small bathroom, with a shower, toilet and a well kitchen sink. Third room is a little dressing room, I would call it just a wardrobe, but people keep telling me that it's a room! So counting the warderobe in there are like eight rooms in there. Three belong to my roommate, it's his bedroom, warderobe and toilet. He never let me in any of these rooms, not really sure why. That scares me sometimes. But anyways the other 2 rooms are Kitchen and Livingroom. The most empty rooms in this house! Like the kitchen only has like I dunno 4-5 cabinets? A sing, a dishwasher and a refrigerator. In the livingroom you can only find carpet, coffee table, tv and a pretty small couch nothing more.

Ah! Anyways, I will be going, my roommate calls for me, probably guests came, cause seconds ago I heard doorbell ringing! It will be amazing to hear from you! Take care!
( Twoje imię )

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