
Twój kolega z Anglii chciałby prowadzić zdrowy tryb życia. Napisz do niego:

Opisz, jak ty dbasz o kondycję fizyczną,

Podaj przykłady, jak kolega powinien się odżywiać,

Poradź mu, co jeszcze może zrobić, by prowadzić zdrowy tryb życia.

Odpowiedź :

Hi Alex,

How is it going? Today I would like to tell you about how i keep myself healthy, and show you that its really good for our organism.

I eat three meals a day, in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening! I also sleep 8 hours everyday, and after i wake up I do some stretching exercises. After that i make sure to drink some water. I drink around 5 glasses a day. Sometimes if a weather is nice i go for a short walk in the park and listen to music while so.

I think you should try to that as well! Its really nice for us, and makes our well-being better. I really recommend doing that its really healthy for us, just remember to not overtire yourself!