Uzupełnij na już proszę błagam

2. was,would take
4. put,floats
5. was,wouldn't exist
6. were, would you fly to
7. would pass,studied
8. heat,melts
9. wouldn't do ,were
10. gets,will take
11. gets, will have to
mam nadzieje ze dobrze
1 If you boil water, it turns into steam.
2 If I were an astronaut, I would take...
3 if you put..., it goes down
4 if you put..., it floats.
5 if there was no water...., we wouldn't exist.
6 If you were a bird, where would you fly to?
7 Anna will pass..., if she studies hard enough.
8 If you heat ice, it melts.
9 I wouldn't do that if I were you.
10 If he gets any worse, I will take him...
11 If the snow gets any worse, we will have to stop walking.