
Zadanie 3. przeczytaj tekst I zdecyduj czy zdania są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe. Frogs in love: Romeo and Juliet Romeo the frog spent ten years alone in a museum in Bolivia. He is a Sehuencas frog, and for a long time, scientists at the museum thought that Romeo was the only Sehuencas frog in the world. A lot of these frogs have died because of deforestation,and a deadly disease has taken the lives of many others. The scientists wanted to find a mate for Romeo. They even set up a profile for him on Match.com! In 2018, some scientists went to the Bolivian forests to look for a partner for Romeo. They looked in many streams, but they couldn’t find any frogs. They grew tired, wet and disappointed. They decided to check one more stream before going home. And then, they found a Sehuencas frog beside a waterfall. This frog was male, but they returned the next day and found four more frogs, two male and two female. One of the females was the right age to mate. The conservationists called her Juliet. The scientists didn’t let Romeo and Juliet meet at first. They needed to check that Juliet didn’t have a disease. But finally, they put the two frogs together. At first, Romeo seemed nervous, but soon heswam to Juliet and then he did a funny dance, shaking his toes. Then he put his arms and legs around

her and made a really loud call.

Juliet hasn’t laid any eggs yet, but scientists hope she will. That way, they can learn more about these

frogs and help to protect them in the forest. But they know it won’t be easy. For frogs to mate, the

temperature and the water quality must be perfect. They also only mate when it is raining, so the

scientists had to put special rain equipment in their tank. However, the scientists aren’t too worried if

Romeo and Juliet don’t mate, because they have the four other frogs. And they are happy that Romeo

isn’t lonely any more! Source.

1.Sehueancas frogs are dying mostly because of clearing wide areas of trees. T/F

2. The scientists found four Sehuencas frogs in the forest T/F

3. Juliet has laid 2 eggs so far. T/F

4. The scientists are worried about the other frogs. T/F​

Odpowiedź :


1. Sehueancas frogs are dying mostly because of clearing wide areas of trees True

2. The scientists found four Sehuencas frogs in the forest False

3. Juliet has laid 2 eggs so far False

4. The scientists are worried about the other frogs False


2. The scientists found five Sehuencas frogs in the forest

3. Juliet hasn't laid anny eggs

4. Romeo and the other frogs aren't lonely so scientists aren't worried about them

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