
Napisz dialog w którym zapytasz o zgodę na coś. Opisz sytuacje, dlaczego prosisz o zgodę i kogo o nią prosisz.

Odpowiedź :


-Hey mum!

-Hi sweetie, what happend?

-Ben called me 15 minutes ago and he asked me if I can go with him to a Sally's birthday party

-Why can't he go by himself?

-He said that he will feel strange in her party, because he don't know anyone without her, so can I go?

-But you must promise that you will answer all my text's

-I promise, so i'm going to pack some stuff and I will go out at 16:00


coś w tym design itd

- Hi mom, I have a question
- Hello darling, go ahead
- Can you borrow me some money?
- Sure but how much and why do you need it?
- like 20-30 $ I wanted to go shopping with my new friends
- okay honey here you go, have a great time
- thanks mom, see you later

Tekst opisuje dialog córki i mamy na temat pożyczenia pieniędzy na zakupy.