
Niedawno napisała do ciebie twoja koleżanka Sophie. Przeczytaj fragment

jej wiadomości poniżej i napisz swoją odpowiedź. W swoim e-mailu:
opisz ostatnio odwiedzone przez ciebie miejsce,
napisz, co można tam robić,
przekaż Sophie wskazówki dotyczące nakazów i zakazów obowiązujących w tym miejscu,
napisz, co najbardziej ci się spodobało i dlaczego.
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.

Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 100 do 150 słów.

From: Sophie
Have you been to an interesting museum or gallery recently – or maybe an exhibition? I’m looking for somewhere to take my cousin. She’s staying with us for a week. Tell me where you went and what it was like.

Rozpocznij od :

To: Sophie
Hi Sophie,
Thanks for the email.

Odpowiedź :

To: Sophie

Hi Sophie,

Thanks for the email.

I was at the zoo with my mom today. There were a lot of interesting animals, but not only that! I remember that there were a lot of games and even a playground. You can see the animals there, which is quite obvious, but you can book yourself a guide who will tell some interesting things about them. Isn't it cool? Just remember, the very important thing is that you absolutely are not allowed to feed animals! They can get sick of it. The second important thing is that you can't scream on them or knock on the windows. Unfortunately, you can only buy tickets online, but to be honest it was one of my favorite things. Beacuse the the zoo entrance was not crowded. But apart from that, I liked the playground the most. It was very nice there, especially the slide was very cool and fun.

text me later and let me know if you chose to go there.

best regards!
