
2 Michał opisał przebieg ostatniego meczu swojej drużyny. Uporządkuj zdania tak, aby tekst stanowit logiczną całość. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. A a. Hi Peter, How are you? You know I play for our school volleyball team. We have come first in many tournaments, but yesterday's match didn't go well. A Our opponents took their chance and we lost the match B Then our coach let the new boy, Tadek, play. He's good, but he hasn't been in our team for long and we still don't play that well together. C At first, we were scoring points when suddenly our key defender Kamil twisted his ankle. D All of us were very disappointed. I hope we'll do better next time. E He was nervous too, because he had never participated in any important games before. How about you? How's your baseball practice going? Take care, Michał


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