
Przeczytaj tekst o Liz Hartel. Uzupełnij luki 1–5 w notatce, którą wykorzystasz w szkolnej prezentacji. Notatkę należy uzupełnić w języku polskim. Liz Hartel: a pioneer in horseback riding therapy People have known about the positive effects of horse-riding on our health since ancient times, but the first professional therapeutic centres were created in Europe in the late 1960s. From there, the idea spread to North America. However, the person who inspired the modern idea of using horses in therapy was a Danish horse riding champion named Liz Hartel. She fell ill with polio at the age of 23 and, as a result, her legs below the knees were paralysed. She was determined to continue her riding career and she took part in the Olympic Games in 1952. Her silver medal there was the first medal for any woman in the history who competed against men. After she finished her riding career, Liz Hartel travelled a lot to raise money for people ill with polio and promoting the idea of riding as a form of therapy. The Dutch Liz Hartel Foundation was named after her. Prezentacja – Liz Hartel: pionierka hipoterapii • Pierwsze ośrodki wykorzystujące jazdę konną jako formę terapii powstały w Europie pod koniec (1) ________________. • Liz Hartel pochodziła z (2) ________________ i uprawiała jeździectwo. • Jako pierwsza kobieta konkurująca z mężczyznami zdobyła (3) ________________ na igrzyskach olimpijskich w 1952 roku. • Po zakończeniu kariery, Liz Hartel zbierała fundusze dla (4) __________________. • Jej imieniem nazwano fundację w (5) ___________________.​