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Fancy seeing a crowd of people cheering "Chess! Chess! Chess!"?-go to a chess boxing fight. It was first played in 2003 in Berlin. The rules aren't too complicated. Two players take turns to do a round of boxing and then play a four-minute-long game of chess. (1) One player must beat the other ethe at chess or at boxing.

For first-time spectators, chess boxing may seem a bit strange. (2) The crowd is cheering and supporting their favourite. Then, the players take off their gloves, and sit down at the chess table. They suddenly look calm and focused. (3) But it gets more difficult in the later stages of the match when the players are more tired from the physical rounds of boxing

Chess boxing is not an easy sport to practise. (4) And if you want to enter professional tournaments, you must be really good at both sports. This hybrid sport might seem unusual, but it is becoming popular among those who look for new ways to compete and win. A hybrid sport is one which combines two or more sports