1. Backpack A is cheaper than backpack C.
Backpack B is the cheapest.
2. Backpack B is bigger than backpack C.
Backpack A is the biggest
3. Backpack B is smaller than backpack A.
Backpack C is the smallest.
4. Backpack A is better than backpack B.
Backpack C is the best.
5. Backpack A is worse than backpack C.
Backpack B is the worst.
Gdy porównujemy coś do czegoś trzeba dopisać "than" (niż).
Dog is better than cat.
Gdy twierdzimy że coś jest NAJ, dodajemy "the" i 3 stopień.
Dog is the best.
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam
liczę na naj :)