
Byłeś na feriach zimowych w górach napisz maila do kuzyn z Anglii w którym

-opiszesz gdzie byłeś
-wyjaśnisz dlaczego wybrałeś to miejsce
-napiszesz jak spędzałeś czas
-napiszesz z kim byłeś i dlaczego z tą osobą
-opiszesz przygodę która ci się przydarzył
-zaproponujesz kuzynowi spotkanie,podasz miejsce i termin

proszę o pilną pomoc bez użcia tłumacza

Odpowiedź :


Hey cuz! How are you? I hope you’re well!

A little while ago I was on a trip in the mountains for winter break in Italy. I picked Italy for two reasons, one, it’s sunny but cold in the winter so it was absolutely perfect for skiing and two, the mountains add up to 77% of the said country. The whole trip was great, I got to see cows by the ski slope just eating grass! The atmosphere was great so was the experience. I only fell once since I ski a lot/ I fell many many times since it was my first time skiing.(dopasuj sobie) It didn’t hurt because the snow was sooooo fluffy. Although it was cold…but it wasn’t something I couldn’t handle ;). I went there with my family, (mama tata brat nie wiem wybierz) I’m not 18 years old yet so I can’t travel that far without my parents. One time I saw a person walking up the slope with their dog and it had a pink tail, the owner said they dyed it with a safe dye for dogs. I asked if I can pet him and they said I could, he was a boy, his name was Kiki and he was really friendly!

I hope we can meet soon, how about we meet up at my house next week on thursday so we can talk more about the trip?

Have a good afternoon/night/day, byee!!!


Wyjaśnienie: Cuz to skrót od kuzyn po angielsku.

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