Zadanie 2 dziekuje za odpowiedź:))))

The ability to solve problems is very important. It can help you in everyday life situations: at school, at work and at home. For example, you need to go to the supermarket, but it starts to rain. What do you do? Do you just walk in the rain? Do you take the bus, or call a taxi? Or do you go to the supermarket another day? There is always more than one way to solve a problem! So, how do you decide? Here is our guide to choosing the best solution.
Step 1: Identify and describe the problem.
Step 2: Think about possible solutions and write down all the options.
Step 3: Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
Step 4: Decide the best solution.
Step 5: Look back and learn. What can you do better next time?
ability - umiejętność
advantage - zaleta
consider - rozważać
disadvantage - wada
identify - identyfikować
option - opcja
possible - możliwe
situation - sytuacja
solution - rozwiązanie
solve - rozwiązywać