

Odpowiecie mi na te pytania?

What winter sports can you do?
What have you tried this winter?
Which is your favourite one?
Which one would you like to try in the future?

Minimum 10 zdań <3

Odpowiedź :

1. What winter sports can you do?

Odp. I can do many winter sports such as sledding and skiing. I can also ice-skate.

2. What have you tried this winter?

Odp. I have tried some dishes from other countries. I visited many of them this winter.

3. Which is your favourite one?

Odp. I loved skiing! I have tried it before, but this year I was skiing with my family. I had a great time.

4. Which one would you like to try in the future?

Odp. I would definetely like to try ice hokey or snowboarding. They seem very exciting and thrilling.


1. I can do hiking, and ice skating. I like hiking so much! Thats views was amazing! I love them! My legs hurt terribly when I was hiking but I like do it.

I tried also ice skating. I like do it because it is very cool. I do it with my best friend Amelka. She was amazing in this! She teach me everything! I have a great time with her every time at the rink!

2. I tried snowboarding this winter, but it wasn't for me. I fell every time I got up! It was horrible! I was snowboarding with my dad. He can do this so he tried teach me but I wasn't having any succes. I will not try it again!

3.My favorite winter sport is skiing. I do it with my cousin Pawel. He's the best at it! I like skiing with him because whenever skiing with him I teach something new!

4. I think I'd like to try a ice hokey because i think it's very good sport. My mom was playing this sport when she was a child. I know the game can be painful but why not?


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