
Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanychwyrazów, trzeba natomiast, jeżeli jest to konieczne, dodać inne wyrazy. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

1 Have you seen the film (tell / story) ______________________________________________ a woman running away from a gang of terrorists?
2 I’m not sure I can remember (day / I / meet / he) ______________________________________________ for the first time.
3 This gallery is (worth / visit / you) ______________________________________________ enjoy modern art.
4 Sally wanted to (make / most / tutorial) ______________________________________________, so she took notes while listening to the lecturer.
5 James is not a big fan of fantasy, (make / difficult / we) ______________________________________________ to discuss novels written by authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien or C.S. Lewis.
6 This was the kind of music (I / can / listen) ______________________________________________ for hours when I was younger.
7 The actor (make / big / impress) ______________________________________________ me during the performance was, without a doubt, Ian McKellen.
8 Do you know any restaurants (we / eat / enjoy) ______________________________________________ a live concert at the same time?
9 I hope he (make / mind / soon) ______________________________________________; otherwise, there may be no tickets left for us to buy.
10 In my opinion the best sculpture (she / ever / create) ______________________________________________ was the one depicting a dancing woman.

Odpowiedź :


1. Have you seen the film that tells the story about a woman who runs away from a gang of terrorists?

2. I am not sure I can remember the day I met him for the first time.

3. The gallery is worth visiting if you enjoy modern art.

4. Sally wanted to make the most of the tutorial so she took notes while listening to the lecturer.

5. James is not a big fan of fantasy, so he made it difficult when we where discussing .....

6. This was the kind of music I could listen to for hours when I was younger.

7. The actor who made a big impression on me was ....4

8. Do you know any restaurants where we  can eat and enjoy a live concert...

9. I hope he can make up his mind soon otherwise...

10. In my opinion the best sculpture she had ever created...
