
Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz odpowiedź A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić luki 1–4.
Hi Dan,
I’m writing this email from the hospital. You won’t believe it but I’ve hurt my knee. Again! I fell off my bike while I (1) ___ really fast and I hit the ground. It was really painful! As you know, I (2) ___ a similar accident a few months earlier. Now my knee is really bad and the doctor has advised me (3) ___ surgery. I’m going to have it tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, it’s going to take quite a while before I (4) ___.
Write back,
1 A was riding B had ridden C rode
2 A have had B was having C had had
3 A have B to have C having
4 A recover B mend C suffer