proszę o pomoc z angielskiego :(

Wykorzystamy zwroty z rozdziału 30 podręcznika, synonimy znajdziecie na stronach 66 i 67:
The basis of the claim is that you have sought medical advice or treatment and believe that as a result of that treatment your health has suffered. It's essential that we're able to establish a connection between treatment and the negative effect. We will give you a fee estimate, initially this will just be for the cost of exploring the claim. It will involve obtaining your medical records from your general medical practice. We have to go through these records before instructing an independent expert to prepare a report. After that, we have to demonstrate that the course of action or advice given by your doctor would not be that advised by other similarly experienced and reputable practitioners. We have to rely upon the experts to explain how the action of the doctor has negatively affected the outcome for you as his patient. We have to determine whether you have legal expenses insurance and estimate the probable costs of the action. Please have in mind that clinical negligence cases may be charged in proportion to the damages recovered. As a claimant, you must bring the claim within the limitation period, in your case within (tu wstaw zgodny z aktualnym polskim prawodawstwem termin) years of the event.