zadanie 4, pomoze ktos??? mam na jutro

4 In pairs. Ask and answer questions about your future. Use the future perfect simple and the future continuous.
Where will you be working in ten years' time? In ten years' time, I'll be working in a hospital.
What will you be doing next Monday morning? I think I'll be revising for my exams next Monday morning.
Where will you be living in the near future? I think I'll be living abroad in the near future.
How many countries will you have visited by the end of next year? I think I'll have visited at least ten countries by the end of next year.
How many episodes of your favourite series will you have watched by the end of next week? By the end of next week, I'll have watched twenty episodes.
How many books will you have read by next September? I think I'll have read more than twenty books by next September.
Who will you be travelling with this time tomorrow? This time tomorrow, I'll be travelling with my parents.