
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie
poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga! W każdą
lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

2.1. I’d like to make some pancakes for dinner, but (nie ma) ___________________________________ milk left in the fridge.
2.2. I’m really sorry about what I said – I didn’t (zamierzałam zranić) ___________________________________ your feelings.
2.3. What time do you usually (wychodzisz z domu) ___________________________________ in the morning?
2.4. The physics test was so difficult that (bardzo niewielu uczniów) ___________________________________ passed it.
2.5. My nephew is two years old – he is (synem mojego brata) ___________________________________.
2.6. When I went to the cinema yesterday evening, I met (kilka osób) ___________________________________ from my
school there.

Odpowiedź :

2.1. I'd like to make some pancakes for dinner, but there isn't any milk left in the fridge.

2.2. I'm really sorry about what I said – I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

2.3. What time do you usually go out in the morning?

2.4. The physics test was so difficult that very few students passed it.

2.5. My nephew is two years old – he is my brother's son.

2.6. When I went to the cinema yesterday evening, I met a few people from my school there.


2.1I’d like to make some pancakes for dinner, but there is no milk left in the fridge.

2.2I’m really sorry about what I said – I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.

2.3 What time do you usually go out in the morning.

2.4. The physics test was so difficult that a small amount of students passed it.

2.5. My nephew is two years old – he is my brothers son.

2.6. When I went to the cinema yesterday evening, I met some people from my school there.


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