Odpowiedź :
Writing a postcard about visiting a place
1. where you are you
Dear Amy
Greetings from London/ Hello from London
2. who else is with you?
I‘m with my friends We‘re having a great/wonderful time here.
3. what's the weather?
The weather is kinda bad / It‘s raining every day
4. what the city is like
London is a beautiful and historic city. This place is with lots of fantastic interesting sights. There is BigBen and a lots of other things.
5. what you are doing now
I'm reading my book at the hotel. I love so much this hotel. There are a lot of old-fasioned modern. I really like it!
6. Saying goodbye
I have to go now. See you soon! I'll call you, when we come back
Love - (Napisz tu swoje imię, bo nie wiem jak się nazywasz O_O)
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam i życzę miłego dzionka!