
Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz odpowiedź A,
Blub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić luki (1-4).
Odpowiedzi zapisz w zeszycie.
Just twenty-five years ago, scientists
(1) see any planets outside our
own solar system. Today, they are
able (2) planets that are billions
of kilometres away. On one of
the planets they have discovered,
COROT-7b, it rains rocks! (3)
temperature there is 2,300 degrees
centigrade and, because of the heat,
the rocks turn into gas. In cooler
areas, the gas turns back into rocks (4)
to the ground like rain!
C can't
C to see
1 A could
2 A see
3 A-
4 A which
B couldn't
B seeing
B where
C The
C who
müzdania 1-6. Wpisz​

Przeczytaj Tekst Wybierz Odpowiedź ABlub C Aby Poprawnie Uzupełnić Luki 14Odpowiedzi Zapisz W ZeszycieJust Twentyfive Years Ago Scientists1 See Any Planets Outs class=