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We all need to rethink the way in which we use energy these days. THINK
Failure to pay your phone bill may lead to your phone being disconnected. CONNECTED
By middle school, David had begun to outshine his classmates in track and field events. SHINE
When it comes to cleaning your home, always buy safe, nontoxic
products. TOXIC
His parents knew early on that he would grow up to be a man of greatness. GREAT
We were unsure about what to order so we asked the waiter for his suggestion. SUGGEST
The director has booked a transatlantic flight from London to New York. ATLANTIC
Our teacher warned us that too much exposure to the sun could cause cancer. EXPOSE
It is possible to defrost meat using a microwave. FROST
David Filo and Jerry Yang are the cofounders of YAHOO. FOUNDER
A choreographer was hired to create dance moves for the singer's music video. CHOREOGRAPH
Their young son embodies all their hopes for the future. BODY
After the tsunami, the UK offered emergency assistance to Japan. ASSIST
When translating from one language into another, it is possible to misinterpret words. INTERPRET
The fearless dog fought with the bear. FEAR
He was indecisive and didn't know whether or not to invest his money. DECISIVE
It is illegal to throw rubbish, of any kind, on government-owned property. LEGAL
John Moore and Ion Tate are both running as candidates in the elections. ELECT
More and more property owners are making home improvements without professional help. IMPROVE
The stuffiness of the room made me feel slightly sick. STUFFY
The Millers are planning to build an extension onto their summer cottage. EXTEND
The shop owner said that we must pay for all breakage. BREAK
Greg and Debra are very selective when choosing toys for their 2-year-old daughter. SELECT
The teacher told the students to sharpen their pencils before starting their essays. SHARP
It is financially advantageous to book your airline tickets in advance. ADVANTAGE
The telecommunication company filed for bankruptcy after several difficult years. BANKRUPT
In most Asian cultures it is impolite to look at someone directly in the eye. POLITE
Barbara looks forward to reading her daily horoscope in the paper. DAY
After the break-in, a bodyguard was put in charge of her protection. PROTECT
Jeff surprised his girlfriend with a wedding proposal at the football stadium. PROPOSE