Multiple choice cloze

1) Had made C
His death was a past event, and obviously he directed movies prior to that point. Therefore, Past Prefect Simple is needed.
2) Up B
Grow Up is a phrasal verb relating to the action of spending one's youth somewhere and staying there until they become an adult.
3) Accepted B
When it comes to applications you can accept them. And Kołakowski applied for several different schools including the Łódź one mentioned in the text.
4) Himself D
One can involve themself with something. So regardless of the person with need the -self suffix. Myself, yourself, herself, itself, himself
5) Closely A
One can work with someone in a close manner. Therefore they work closely. Nearly and tightly are not a collocation and therefore cannot be used in this context. Work together is an option, however, together never appears after quantifier very.
6) Brought A
Recognition can be brought and that's about it. No other verb works in this particular context.