
5 W każdej parze 1-6 jedno zdanie jest poprawne, a drugie niepoprawne. Zaznacz zdania poprawne. 1 A My grandma loves football matches – she watches them once or twice a week. B My grandma is loving football matches – she watches them once or twice a week. 2 A Please be quiet - Jane tries to prepare for a test. B Please be quiet - Jane's trying to prepare for a test. 3 Al do my homework in the garden when the weather is nice. BI am doing my homework in the garden when the weather is nice: work A Our neighbours often tidy their garden - it looks really nice. B Our neighbours are often tidying their garden - it looks really nice. 5 A Tom, why do you do your homework in the living room today? B Tom, why are you doing your homework in the llving room today? 6 A My aunt is cooking meals for us this weekend because our parents are away. B My aunt cooks meals for us this weekend because our parents are away. PROSZE NA TERAZ​

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Zobacz obrazek Anastazja7


1. A My grandma loves football matches – she watches them once or twice a week.

2. B Please be quiet - Jane's trying to prepare for a test.

3. A l do my homework in the garden when the weather is nice.

4. A Our neighbours often tidy their garden - it looks really nice.

5. B Tom, why are you doing your homework in the llving room today?

6. A My aunt is cooking meals for us this weekend because our parents are away.

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