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People have always known how important good
health is in our lives. Probably that is why there
are so many proverbs and sayings about health
in different languages. Some of them stress the
importance of having a balanced and healthy diet.
People in Japan say that "One who eats plain food
is healthy", while in Poland we have a saying "Co za
dużo, to niezdrowo" (Too much of anything is bad
for you).
However, being healthy is not just about how
much you eat and drink. Getting a lot of sleep is
also necessary to be well, as in the Irish proverb
"The beginning of health is good sleep". In some
cultures, being positive is also stressed, and as the
Czechs say, "Joyfulness is half your health".
It is interesting that sometimes doctors agree
with the wisdom of old proverbs, but only to some
extent. The English say that you need to "feed
a cold, starve a fever". The truth is that to fight
both infections, your body needs calories. Even
if you don't feel hungry when you have a fever,
you should drink a lot and try to eat light meals.
So, feeding a cold makes sense from a medical
point of view, but starving a fever does not.
A Illnesses around the world
B Facts or myths?
C Culture and health
D Prevent or treat?
E Not only nutrition

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