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Zadanie 6 / strona 6
Complete the missing words.
1. My mum ........ flying ............. San Diego next Thursday.
2. What ... Mike's wife .. ?
3. I'm ...... seeing Brian ....... Saturday. He's having a party.
4. Who .......... vaccuming the carpets ............ 11 p.m?! I want to sleep!
5. .............. you going to ........... zoo tomorrow? Yes, we ..............
6. Is ...... snowing at the moment? Yes, ......... is. We can build a snowman later.
7. Mike's parents are ....... taking a cooking course, they ..... attending a scuba diving, course.
8. Is your sister ......... a photo of us now?

Zadanie 7 / strona 6
Translate into English.
1. Robi się ciemno. Muszę wracać do domu.
2. Coraz więcej kobiet pracuje w wojsku.
3. Spójrz! Mży.
4. Jego bracia lecą do Wietnamu w przyszłym tygodniu.
5. Czy twoja babcia robi na drutach teraz?
6. Sąsiad Marka kosi trawę w tym momencie.
7. Dzisiaj jadę do szkoły autousem.
8. Państwo Miller odwiedzą nas dziś popołudniu.
9. co robisz? Oglądam filmiki ze śmiesznymi kotami.
10. czy twó brat odrabia pracę domową? Nie, on rozmawia ze swoją dziewczyną.

Odpowiedź :

Zadanie 6 / strona 6

1. My mum is flying to San Diego next Thursday.

2. What is Mike's wife doing?

3. I'm not seeing Brian on Saturday. He's having a party.

4. Who is vacuuming the carpets at 11 p.m?! I want to sleep!

5. Are you going to the zoo tomorrow? Yes, we are.

6. Is it snowing at the moment? Yes, it is. We can build a snowman later.

7. Mike's parents are not taking a cooking course, they are attending a scuba diving course.

8. Is your sister taking a photo of us now?

Zadanie 7 / strona 6

1. It's getting dark. I must go home.

2. More and more women are working in the military.

3. Look! It's drizzling.

4. His brothers are flying to Vietnam next week.

5. Is your grandma knitting now?

6. Mark's neighbor is mowing the grass at the moment.

7. Today I'm going to school by bus.

8. Mr. and Mrs. Millers are visiting us this afternoon.

9. What are you doing? I am watching videos with funny cats.

10. Is your brother doing his homework? No, he is talking to his girlfriend.

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