ex 5 p 60 Read the dialogues. Choose the REAL ENGLISH correct answer: A, B or C. 1. X What did you think of Emma's party? Y ____________. X I really enjoyed it, too.
A It was good fun! B It was so boring! C It was a pain, to be honest.
2. X My parents booked a holiday to Disneyland. Y ___________. X Yes, I'm looking forward to it.
A That's awkward! B That sounds fun! C That's horrible!
3. X Our dog ate the birthday cake. Y Oh no! Were your parents angry? X Not really. __________.
A They saw the funny side of it. B They didn't think so. C They shouted at the dog.
4. X So, I dressed up as a superhero, but it wasn't a fancy-dress party Y __________. What did you do? X I went home and got changed.
A Awesome! B Awkward! C Boring!
5 X Why didn't you laugh at my joke about Tim? Y Because it wasn't funny. _________.
A Was it good fun? B Can't you see the funny side? C Why do you always make fun of him?​