
Napisz dialog po angielsku w którym składasz zamówienie na towar z innego kraju niż polska

Odpowiedź :

Company: "You wish", how can I help you?

You: Good morning, I'd like to ask if you can send the purchase to any country in EU?

"You wish": Yes, of course. What can I do for you?

You: Great to hear that!! I'm looking for the sustainable straws for my cocktail bar and I read that yours are the best.

"You wish": Okay, you're in a perfect place for that. What kind of straws do you need? Because in our offer, we have straws made of glass, metal, pasta and even straws from straw. (Laugh)

You: What a range! I'll take a hundred of glass ones and I'll try the pasta ones, hmmm, maybe a twenty, just to see if the customers like it.

"You wish": Great choice for you Business. You can wish it now with me by the phone or via our website. What would you prefer?

You: We can continue now, and what about transport fee?

"You wish": Your order is summed up for 250 euros, transport fee is free for purchase up to 200, so don't worry.

You: I'll make a transfer for your company in a minute.

"You wish": I got you, your money is with us now. What is the address where we should send the package?

You: Cocktail Bar, Wysoka Street

"You wish": Could you spell it?

You: W-Y-S-O-K-A

"You wish": Got you.

You: City: Warsaw and the zip code 11-100

"You wish": I think that's all from us, do you have any questions?

You: No, I'm good, thank you so much. Can't wait to unbox it. Have a nice day, bye bye.