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Barbara's Blog
Hi followers! Today on Barbara's Blog I'm going to share a hack with you that will make your life so much easier!!
Have you ever had soreness after very tough workout? I bet you do. The worst feeling ever! You cannot even sit without saying 'auch'.
I've recently started to practice yoga at the gym and I heard the best way to remove the pain from the muscles.
The easiest way- stretching, about 30 minutes exactly after training because your body is still warmed up. It's not the only way, practicing yoga helps a lot, but if you're not into assanas you should try a roller!! Rolling is done by moving roller (by your own weight) under the part which you want to be relieved e.g. calves.
I recommend that method by my heart, but if you have some others way tell me ASAP, cause I'm going to 10K run tonight!
Wish me luck!!