
Hejka pomógł by ktoś w e-mailu z Angola ?

temat :

Niedawno kupiłeś/kupiłaś nowy gadżet.
W e-mailu do koleżanki z kanady:
-opisz gadżet, który kupiłeś
-wyjaśnij, dlaczego zdecydowałeś się właśnie na ten model
-napisz, w jaki sposób zamierzasz go wykorzystać

z góry dziękuję wdzięczna byłabym za szybką odpowiedź : ) ♡♡♡​

Odpowiedź :


  Hi (Tu wstaw imię koleżanki/kolegi np. Sam)! How are you? How are your skating skills, because in your last e-mail, you said, that you are getting better and better, so let me know, because you're really fast with learning new skills.

 The reason I'm writing, before I got your new text is, because I was too exited to keep it till you write back. You were recomending me that mini printer, do you remember that? So, after all your recommendations, I decided to finnaly buy it. And it is as amazing, as you said! I love it!

 The first thing, that impressed me was, how fast it came. The model, that you recommended, always comes so fast (that's what they said on the internet). Other models would probably come also fast, but not that fast! It is truerly amazing.

 Another thing, that I love abot it is the simplicity of using it. Conecting it was like a piece of cake. And printing is even easier! It is so much fun.

So I'd like to say thak you for showing me this gadget, because its so cool. I'm going to use it every day to print all of our photos together.

For the end I'll say, I miss you very much. I hope some day we could meet and make our own shopping haul with some funny gadgets for us both. Say hello to your whole family and have a nice week.

(twoje imię)


Mam nadzieję, że jest okej, żadnego błędu nie powinno być.