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Hi guys,

Thank you for the comments under my last post, I loved them!

As I mentioned a week ago, I am currently working as a guardian at a summer camp. Children I take care of are from 7 to 9 years old. I am responsible for taking my group to the meals and for the sports activities.

I love it here. Even tough children are really hard to take care of I am truly enjoying my time here! The best thing about this job is that it teaches responsibility and discipline. If I am not disciplined, how can I ask children to be disciplined?

I think this job is the one I was looking for my whole life. I really found myself here and decided this is what I want to do in the future.

As always, thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Starałem się to okroić jak najlepiej umiałem, niestety 50 do 120 słów to bardzo mało jak na wypowiedź pisemną. Jednak mam nadzieję, że się spodoba.

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