
Jesteś na miesięcznym obozie sportowym w Londynie. W mailu ( od 80- 130 słów) do kolegi, który mieszka w tym mieście napisz :
-jak spędzasz typowy dzień na obozie
-co twoja grupa robi w dniu dzisiejszym
-jak minął wam ostatni weekend
-jakie macie plany na najbliższy tydzień

Odpowiedź :


Hi Steven!

I'm currently on a sport camp in your city. I'm having a great time there!

Everyday we get up at 6:30 a.m and we go on a morning run. At 8:00 a.m we have breakfast and after breakfast we have yoga class. After yoga we have judo class. Everyday at 1 p.m we do a diffrent activity on the fresh air. Then we have dinner at 4 p.m and have free time from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. Today we are going to play football on our football field. Last weekend we went on a trip to go hiking. I was scared to fall but we had asecuration. This week we are going to have karate classes on monday, volleball classes on tuesday, basketball on wednesday, gymnastics on thursday and golf on friday. I forgot to mention that on weekends we go on a 2 day trip. This weekend we are going to the planetarium and then to the pet shelter to volounteer.

Stay safe

(twoje imię)

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