
PROSZE SZYBKO czy to zadanie jest w past simple i past continius ? jeśli nie to zmienicie je na takie żęby było?

when I was 10 my cousin and I went to play howango in the garden At that time our parents were in the kitchen with their grandparents and they made spaghetti, we were out in the garden at that time (we were playing at 6 p.m. and it was dark)
when suddenly I fell into the pool and broke it.
I felt very ashamed and sad because I had to buy the pool

Odpowiedź :


When I was ten my cousin and I went to play howango in the garden.-Past simple

At that time our parents were in the kitchen with their grandparents and they made spaghetti.-To zdanie jest źle napisane*

We were out in the garden at that time.** -Past simple

(We were playing at 6 p.m. -Past Continuous

and it was dark) -Past Simple

when suddenly I fell into the pool and broke it.***-Past simple

I felt very ashamed and sad because I had to buy the pool.****-Past simple


*Proponowałabym-At that time our parents were in the kitchen with their grandparents. (Past Simple)They were making spaghetti. (Past Continuous)


***Moja propozycja poprawy tego zdania-When  I suddenly fell into the pool and broke it.

****To zdanie nie do końca ma sens. Proponowałabym-I felt ashamed and upset because I had to buy a new one.


Do sprawdzania błędów proponuje stornę grammarly. A co do zasad Past simple i Continuous zapraszam tu --->https://pl.tutlo.com/past-simple-vs-past-continuous-‒-poznaj-roznice/