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A few years ago everyone was talking about the new electric cars.These cars were cleaner and quieter and they were going to be the answer to our pollution problems.
(1).........Why aren't our roads full of electic cars ? Why are we still sending out huge amounts of pollution into the atmosphere and using oil faster than the oil companies can produce it ?
There are several reasons. (2).........They are available.There are many different models and every year another,newer type of electric car is designed.
Last year,more than ten new moedls of electric car were introduced.(3).......A though many of the faster,sporty-looking models are expensive-for example,the new Tesla costs 130,000 dollars-there are plenty of cheaper types for sale.So what is the reason?
Experts say that it's mainly because electric cars can't travel very far before we need to charge their batteries and there aren't enough charging points at the moment.(4)...........It seerns that the people who have bought electric cars use them as a second car,not their main one.They aren't going to buy an electric car to use regularly until they can be sure that it won't stop suddenly on their way to work or somewhere important.
While electric cars may sill be the car of the future,there is an alternative for today.The hybrid car-a car that can switch from petrol to electricity-is more popular.People are buying them because they can drive further without having to charge their cars.(6).......It's obviously not quite as good for the environment as the electric car,but it shows that people are concerned and trying to do something about their carbon footprint.
A.People need a car that is reliable
B.And it isn't because of the price
C.So,where are they ?
D.The main problem is the cost,but they are already cheaper than all electric cars.
E.People worry about not having enough electricity to get to their destination.
F.It's not because the cars aren't for sale.