11 Gaob Przeczytaj tekst i w zeszycie uzupełnij luki, wybierając odpowiedź: A, B lub C. Posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź odpowiedzi. Here's The Yay! New! I Didn't See My SHADOW Today, 2 February, Phil the groundhog, has come out of his burrow to predict the end of winter. If Phil' see his shadow, he gets terrified and runs back into his home. It means that winter 27 for the next six weeks. If Phil? see his shadow on a cloudy day, spring 7 to come soon. The tradition dates back to 1887, when the first Phil predicted the weather in Pennsylvania, USA. Now, 2 February is known as Groundhog Day and lots of people come to see what Phil 2 do this year. He has already done it over 130 times and that is probably why there is a popular saying in English: groundhog day which means a situation that keeps repeating. A typical groundhog is a furry animal which weighs around 6 kilos and lives for about 8 years. It to swim and climb trees. When it gets scared, it'whistle, which is why groundhogs are sometimes called whistle pigs. When the winter comes, groundhogs get ready for hibernation. Their body temperature 7 and they º7 lose 30% of their weight during the long winter months. 1 A can 2 A will last 3 A mustn't 4 A is going 5 Ais going 6 A is able 7 A is able 8 A dropping 9 A can B is able B is lasting B can't B will B will B can B can B will drop B must C must C mustn't last C has to C must C can Chas C has to C must drop C have to