
31 Let's go to the park, Jill.'
I can't. I have to __ the carpet.'
A swoop
C vacuum
D dust
21 I can't believe it's 11.00p.m. already. It's _
A getting
C having
B boing
D doing
22 Don't be late for your exam, Thomas.'
"I know, Mum. I'll be there at 10.00 a.m.
A fast
C sharp
B quick
D frog
32 'Are you ready to leave?'
I need to my hair and then we can go.'
A brush
C tako
B mako
D put
your bed this
23 'Did you do anything last night?"
"No, I stayed and watched TV:
A over
C in
33 "Kyle, why didn't you
"Sorry, Mum. I forgot.'
A mako
B do
C wash
D help
24 When Jane came through the door, we throw
over her and shouted, 'Surprise!
A balloons
C candles
B presents
D confotti
34 It's too windy to hang
A round
the clothes to dry.
25 'Your brother's a really great guy.
'l know. I really look to him.
A round
C forward
B up
D in
35 What's the first thing you do in the morning?"
'1 always a shower first.'
A do
C make
B got
D tako
26 How do you
really tired after going
A dick
B tick
with friends in other countries?
C contact
D communicato
36 I sometimes
A do
B havo
C fool
D bo
37 1 can't believe I forgot my money
'It's OK. You can some from me."
A savo
C borrow
B make
D lond
27 'You need to study for your maths exam.'
'I know. I'm too much time doing other
A using
C wasting
B kooping
D sponding
28 When Neil gets home from school, he
online straight away.
B takes
D doos
29 Send the invitations by email. mail takes
A Tail
C Snail
B Sail
D Fail
38 I want to return these jeans, but I can't find
A shelf
B till
C goes
39 'Don't forget to stop at the baker's, Dan.'
"Yes, I'll get a
of broad.
C packet
B carton
D loaf
40 Wo usually got late on Sunday mornings.
A to
D for
30 A clock is a
A laptop
B device
that tells the time.
C computer
D desktop