
Read the text. Choose the correct option to complete
each gap.
When I was a teenager, I used to live in a small village
in the south of Poland. I liked it because we had a big
house with a lot of space and I had my own bedroom.
|(1) ... do my homework or study there, though. My
father built a study especially for me and my brother.
It was in the attic. When it was ready, my brother and
I could decide how to decorate and furnish it.
We (2) for over two weeks, but the effect was
fantastic! How (3) ... it? We put a lot of posters on the
walls and we fixed loudspeakers on two of the walls.
The sound was awesome when we (4)... to our
favourite music!
1 a didn't use to
3 a did we arrange
b used to
b we arranged
c we were arranging
2 a decorated
4 a did listen
b were decorating
b didn't use to listen
c didn't decorate
C were listening
C did

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Tak chyba powinno być, ale nie jestem pewny
