
Work in pairs or groups. Do you agree with the statements below? Why (not)? 1 You don't have to worry about what you wear if you have a school uniform 2 School uniforms are sometimes ugly. 3 You can't show your personality if you wear a school uniform. 4 School uniforms make all students equal 5 Having a school uniform is better for families who don't have much money,​

Odpowiedź :


1. I agree with this, when you have school uniform you don't have to worry what to were every morning. Also you don't worry that you looking worse that others, because everyone look the same.

2. I agree that school uniforma not always are pretty. (Szczerze mówiąc nie mam pojęcia jak to zargumentować)

3. I think it isn't true that you can't show your personality wearing school uniform. You can add some own accessories unless.

4. I agree, everyone look the same. It's can be a little hard to recognise students.

5. Yes, i think it's true. It's easier for poor family to buy time to time a school uniform that worry everyday what kids should were to school.