
Sprawdzian angielski POTRZEBUJE SZYBKO POMOCY mam czas do 10-30.
1.Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z listy.
keep / make / get / go / look / break
a)I………………….on well with my half-brother.
b)Mike, do you…………………..in touch with your friends from the summer camp?
c)The fridge is empty. Let’s…………………shopping.
d)I can’t go out. I have to……………………after my niece.
e)They argue a lot but they don’t want to……………………..up.
2.Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wyrazami. Dla ułatwienia, masz już podaną pierwszą literę.
a)When a couple gets married, they have a w……………………………. .
b)When you meet a gir lor a boy you like, you can go on a d………………….. with her/him.
c)When you clean your room, wash the dishes or set the table you do the h………………………………….. .
d)The sister of your mother is your a……………………………… .
e)The father of your father is your g……………………………………. .
f)When someone dies, other people go to his/her f………………………………. .
3.Wybierz prawidłowy wyraz do uzupełnienia zdań.
a)She turned 14 yesterday sos he is now elderly / an adult / a teenager.
b)I’d like to go to Paris on my grave / invitation / honeymoon.
c)My dad got a marrid for a second time. I like my new mother / stepmother / mother-in-law.
d)Do you also eat chocolate eggs for Christmas / Easter / Christmas Eve?
e)Do you also watch fireworks for Valentine’s Day/ All Saints’ Day / New Year’s Eve?
f)Dinner was great. I’ll do the cooking / vacuuming / washing-up.
g)It’s Christmas time. We can put a gold rings / decorate a tree / eat chocolate eggs.
h)You should get ready to / for / at school.
i)He has never complained on / about / for his half-brother.
j)He is unhappy because he’s broken up / on / in with his girlfriend.
k)She looks after / for / with her younger sister when their parents go out.
l)I’m sorry about / with / for car .It was an accident.
Ł)He started playing tenis at the year / age / old of 8.
m)He’s your sister’s husband, so he must be your step-brother / father-in-law/brother-in-law.
n)She’s wearing a marry / engaged / wedding ring.
4.Do każdej z opisanych poniżej sytuacji dopisz odpowiednią reakcję: „sorry” lub „excuse me”
a)You want someone repeat something –
b)You are late for classes –
c)You ask the way to the cinema –
5.Wybierz odpowiednią reakcję na poniższe sytuacje.
a)Kolega składa Ci życzenia z okazji urodzin. Co usłyszysz?
Happy New Year! / Happy birthday! / Happy anniversary/!
b)Życzysz koledze szczęśliwego Nowego Roku. Jak to powiesz?
Happy New Year!/ Happy Year!/Happy New Year’s Eve!
c)Jak pogratulujesz koleżance zdobycia pierwszego miejsca na zawodach sportowych?
The same to you! / May all your dreams come true!/Well done!
6.Uzupełnij zdania używając czasowników podanych w nawiasach w czasie Past Simple.
a)He…………………………(open) the door two hours ago.
b)Anna ………………………(pass) her French exam.
c)I ………………………..(answer) to her question.
d)My mother……………………….(buy) four tickets for our next holiday.
e)It…………………..(snow) all day.
7.Zamień zdania z zadania 6 na zdania przeczące w czasie Past Simple.

Odpowiedź :



a get

b keep

c make

d look

e make


a wedding

b date


d aunt

e grandfather

f funeral


a  a teenager

b honeymonn

c stepmother

d easter

e new year eve

f washing up

g decorate  tree

h  for

i about

j up

k looks after

l about

ł  age

m  brother in law

n  marry


a sorry

b sorry

c exuse me


a happy birthday

b happy new yer

c well done


A He opened the door tw hous ago

dalej nie moge bo babka z polaka mnie pyta :(

