pls help mam na jutro

11. Fred fell down and hurt himself when he was ridding his pony yesterday.
12. It was raining very hard when I woke up this morning.
13. She was working in Paris before her husband died.
14. Wendy, who is now in the hospital, she was being there for several weeks.
15. When World War II broke out I was living in Hungary.
16. I was staying at home last night and I wrote several exercises.
17. My little brother was sleeping soundly, when I went to wake him.
18. We bought the car a year ago and have driven 15,000 miles since then.
19. The child played in the park every second day.
20. The car was travelling at high speed when it approached the corner.
Gdy masz pojedynczą / chwilową akcję w przeszłości, używasz past simple.
Gdy masz dłuższą akcję w przeszłości, używasz past continues.
Gdy mówisz, że coś dzieje się od jakiegoś czasu (tak jak w zdaniu 18.) używasz present perfect.